/ Docs /Importing Starter Templates/ Required for Import: Enable Elementor’s Flexbox Container

Required for Import: Enable Elementor’s Flexbox Container

Elementor Templates require the “Flexbox Container” feature turned on before you can import them. This feature is currently disabled on your website, but don’t worry, it’s easy to turn on!

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Go to your Elementor settings in WordPress.
  • Click on the Features tab.
  • Look for the Flexbox Container option.
  • Click the button to turn it on!
  • That’s it! Now you’re ready to import your Starter Template without any problem.

Here’s why this matters: Flexbox Container helps us arrange things perfectly inside your website, like columns and sections. By turning it on, you’re ensuring your new template looks exactly as it should.

Don’t worry if you forget: If you accidentally skip this step, don’t worry, we’ll automatically turn on Flexbox Container during the import process.

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