/ Docs /FAQ & Troubleshooting/ System Requirements – Starter Templates

System Requirements – Starter Templates

Here are system requirements to run Starter Templates plugin smoothly –

  • WordPress version 5.0 or above
  • PHP 7 or above
  • MySQL 5.6 or above/ MariaDB version 10.0 or above
  • WP Memory limit of 128 MB or greater

Note: If you are not sure if above versions are running on your server, we recommend you to contact your hosting provider.

Along with above system requirements here are few more that you would need to work with the plugin –

If your website is hosted by WP Engine, you might need to add SSL to your website to avoid saving issues.
If you use SiteGround or GoDaddy, make sure that they modify the SubstituteMaxLineLength of your server for you.

X-Frame Options
It has to be set to “same origin” to avoid editing issues. Please ask your host to do this for you.

PHP Z-Lib Extension
It is preferable to have PHP Zlib extension enabled on your server. Please ask your host to enable this for you, if it is not.

You will need desktop computers or laptops to edit templates. It is not possible to edit them with mobile phones and tablets.

Use Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge version 79 or greater.

Know Your Website Information with Site Health

WordPress offers Site Health feature that displays technical information about your website. Option can be found under Tools > Site Health. Here is a list of things you can see –

  • WordPress
  • Directories and Sizes
  • Active Theme
  • Inactive Themes
  • Active Plugins
  • Inactive Plugins
  • Media Handling
  • Server
  • Database
  • WordPress Constants
  • Filesystem Permissions
  • AMP

For example – Lets say you wish to know current PHP version of your site. You can see it as highlight in screenshot –

WordPress Site Health
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