/ Docs /FAQ & Troubleshooting/ Page Not Found Error When Accessing Starter Templates

Page Not Found Error When Accessing Starter Templates

This guide will help you fix the “Page Not Found” or “This page doesn’t seem to exist” error when trying to access Starter Templates from the Appearance menu in your WordPress dashboard.

This error typically happens due to your server lacking enough resources, like memory or processing power, to handle the request properly. We’ll walk you through some simple steps to resolve this issue.

This page doesn't seem to exist

How to Fix the Page Not Found Error?

To resolve this issue, you can increase the resources allocated to your website OR you may need to add a code snippet to your `.htaccess` file to help the server handle the request more effectively.

1. Increase Server Resources

  1. Contact your hosting provider to increase the resources allocated to your website, such as memory limits and CPU power.
  2. Ensure your server meets the minimum requirements: https://startertemplates.com/docs/system-requirements-starter-templates/

2. Adding code snippet to .htaccess File

Log into your hosting account, navigate to cPanel and select File Manager.

From the File Manager, go to the public_html folder. The .htaccess file is located in this folder. When you find it, right-click and select Edit.

 Add the following code to your .htaccess file and click on save and close.

 <IfModule mod_substitute.c>
   SubstituteMaxLineLength 10m

This code allows the server to process longer lines of code, which can prevent errors when loading the Starter Templates page.

We hope the above information has been helpful. Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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