/ Docs / Fix Broken Page Layout in Elementor Editor

Fix Broken Page Layout in Elementor Editor

If you’ve imported a template recently and face broken page while editing the page with Elementor, it may happen due to the following reasons:

  1. Either the page was manually created using Block editor or any other page builder than Elementor.
  2. Or, the Block Editor variant of the template was imported and then Elementor was used to edit the page.

Please note only the pages created with Elementor can be successfully edited using Elementor. If you edit any non-Elementor page with Elementor, you can face a broken layout as shown in the below screenshot:

How to Fix Broken Page Layout in Elementor Editor

To resolve the above issue, you need to re-import the template and this time the Elementor version of that template.

In the library, we provide the option to select the page builder to import the templates created for that page builder.

Please follow the below steps to fix this:

  • Navigate to Appearance > Starter Templates > Classic Templates
  • Select the Elementor page builder in the templates library
  • Choose the template you like and complete the import.

After following the above steps, you will get the correct Elementor template and you can edit the pages with Elementor.

Note: If you do not see Elementor in the page builder list, please enable it from the WordPress settings as shown below:

I hope the above information has been helpful. Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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