/ Docs /FAQ & Troubleshooting/ Curl Support Missing Error – for the Administrators

Curl Support Missing Error – for the Administrators

Have you been trying to add starter templates to your website but got stuck with the “Curl Support Missing” error?

Don’t worry, we’re here to help!

In this easy guide, we’ll explain what the error means and show you simple steps to fix it so you can keep creating fantastic websites.

What is the Curl Support Missing Error?

Curl is essential for your website to work smoothly with external services like APIs.

It helps fetch data and do many other useful things. So, we need to fix this to get your website running smoothly!

Now, let’s address the issue at hand. When you try to import starter templates, you might see an error called “Curl Support Missing.” 


When you don’t have Curl support, it’s like trying to make a call without a phone!

Your website can’t properly communicate with those external resources, which means you might end up with a half-baked import, and nobody wants that!

What Causes Curl Support Missing Error?

Before we fix this, let’s understand why this error happens in the first place. There are a few reasons, but don’t worry, we’ll tackle them all together:

  • Oops, No Curl Extension: If the Curl extension isn’t installed on your web server or PHP environment, it’s no wonder you’re seeing this error.
  • Disabled in PHP Configuration: Sometimes, you might have the Curl extension on your server, but it’s just not enabled in the PHP configuration file (php.ini).
  • Outdated Curl Version: If you have an outdated or incompatible version of Curl, it could also be the sneaky reason behind this error.
  • Restricted by Hosting Provider: Some hosting providers can be a little picky and might put restrictions on Curl usage, which ends up disabling it or limiting its powers. But don’t fret; we’ll find a way to work around those restrictions and get Curl up and running for your website.

How to fix Curl Support Missing error?

Let’s dive in and resolve these issues, so you can import those amazing starter templates without a hitch!

1. Checking If Curl is MIA

Before we dive into the fixes, let’s check if your server has Curl installed. Think of it like making sure you have all the pizza ingredients before you start baking.

Create a tiny PHP file, let’s call it check_curl.php, with this code:


Now, open it in your web browser (something like http://yourdomain.com/check_curl.php).

You’ll see a PHP configuration page. Look for the section about Curl, and if it’s missing, it’s time to get it installed.

2. Installing the Curl Extension

Don’t worry, installing Curl is a straightforward process that won’t give you any trouble.

For Ubuntu/Debian:

Open your terminal and type:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php-curl

After it’s done, let’s restart your web server to make it all work:

sudo service apache2 restart  # For Apache
sudo service nginx restart    # For Nginx

For CentOS/RHEL:

Hop on the terminal and type:

sudo yum update
sudo yum install php-curl

And now, the all-important server restart:

sudo service apache2 restart  # For Apache
sudo service nginx restart    # For Nginx

3. Enabling Curl Extension

So, you’ve got Curl, but it’s a little shy and needs to be enabled. We can handle that:

  • Locate your php.ini configuration file; it’s like looking for treasure, but it’s there, promise! You’ll find it in the /etc/php/ directory.
  • Open php.ini with a text editor and search for this line:
  • See that sneaky semicolon at the start? Remove it to enable the extension, like so:
  • Save your changes and do the celebratory server restart!

4. Update Your Curl Version

Out with the old, in with the new! If your Curl version is snoozing, it’s time for an upgrade:

Check the official Curl website for the latest version and follow their easy-peasy installation instructions.

5. Call In the Hosting Provider Squad

If all else fails, don’t fret. You’re not alone in this journey! Sometimes, hosting providers have their own rules, and Curl might be caught up in a web of restrictions.

You can contact them and ask for their help in enabling Curl for your account.


By following the steps above, you will be able to resolve the Curl Support Missing error.

With Curl back on your side, you can import those beautiful starter templates and take your website to new heights!

And guess what? Search engines like Google will love your well-maintained, supercharged site.

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