/ Docs /AI Features/ How To Disable The Design Kit Library In Starter Templates

How To Disable The Design Kit Library In Starter Templates

The Design Kit Library in Starter Templates provides a range of pre-designed layouts, elements, and style presets to help you build your website quickly. 

This button is present in your WordPress editor here.

However, you might want to disable it for specific reasons, like customizing your design manually. 

This article will guide you through the process of disabling the Design Kit Library using a simple filter.

Note: We recommend adding this filter to your child theme. Using a child theme ensures that your changes are preserved even if the parent theme is updated.

Disabling the Design Kit Library

To disable the Design Kit Library, you need to add the following PHP filter in your functions.php file. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Go to Appearance > Theme File Editor from your WordPress dashboard.
  • Navigate to the functions.php file and paste the following PHP filter.
add_filter('astra_sites_disable_design_kit', '__return_true');

Click on the Update File button once done.

The “Design Library” button and all of its related features will be disabled on your site.

That’s all! We hope this article has been helpful. 

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by opening a ticket below. We’re always here to help!

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