/ Docs /General/ How to Set Block Editor as the Default Page Builder In Starter Templates

How to Set Block Editor as the Default Page Builder In Starter Templates

If you wish to eliminate the page builder selection screen and set the Block Editor as the default while using Starter Templates, this article is just for you.

This screen is visible while importing classic starter templates.

Here’s how you can remove it:

How to Remove the Page Builder Selector Screen from Starter Templates 

To remove the page builder selection screen, you’ll need to add the following code to your child theme’s functions.php file.

Note: It’s advisable to edit the functions.php file within the child theme rather than directly in the parent theme.

add_filter( 'st_enable_block_page_builder', '__return_true' );

You can add this code by any one of the following methods:

Adding Code Directly to Your functions.php File

  • Navigate to Appearance > Theme Editor > functions.php and paste the above code at the end. 
  • Click on the Update File button to save this change.

Check this article for guidance on adding custom code to your WordPress sites.

Adding the Code Using Code Snippet Plugins

If you don’t want to tamper with your functions.php file directly, consider using free plugins like Code Snippets to add the above filter.

For example, here’s how you can add the same code using the Code Snippets plugin:

  • Install and activate your preferred code snippet plugin. In our case, it is Code Snippets.
  • Navigate to Snippets > Add New and add the above code to this section. Optionally, give this snippet a name and description.
  • Click on the Save Changes and Activate button once done.

The page builder selection screen will be removed from Starter Templates now!

Previewing Your Changes

Let us verify whether the page builder selection is actually removed or not:

Navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins and click on the “Get Started” option under your Starter Templates plugin.

The page builder screen isn’t visible anymore and Block Editor is set as the default page builder automatically!

That’s it! We hope this article helps you. For any further assistance, please reach out to our support team. We’re always here to help.

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