Team Starter Templates
June 13, 2018

Version 1.2.3


  • Added windows EDGE browser support for importing the sites.
  • The log file was not created if server does not support the file handling functions.


  • Load WXR importer on init to avoid redirect loop when loading WooCommerce importer.
  • Clear the Astra Pro plugin cache after site import.
Team Starter Templates
March 26, 2018

Version 1.2.2

– Correctly load the elementor pro 2.0 class when the version of elementor pro is higher than 2.0.0-beta1

Team Starter Templates
March 23, 2018

Version 1.2.1


  • Clear the Astra Pro plugin cache after site import.
Team Starter Templates
March 22, 2018

Version 1.2.0


  • Added compatibility for Elemetor version 2.0.0. Older versions throw the PHP warning for function process_element_export_import_content().
Team Starter Templates
March 12, 2018

Version 1.1.9


  • Minor jerk while loading the sites.
Team Starter Templates
March 5, 2018

Version 1.1.8


  • Updated processing button animation while installation/activating plugin and importing site.
  • Updated suggestion box message.


  • PHP fatal errors for WXR importer classes WXR_Import_Info, WXR_Importer, WP_Importer_Logger_ServerSentEvents and WP_Importer_Logger.
Team Starter Templates
February 2, 2018

Version 1.1.7


  • Some users reported confusion in the default option of choosing page builder. We have made UX improvements so users now must select the Page Builder first before selecting any website.
Team Starter Templates
January 22, 2018

Version 1.1.6


  • Added filter astra_sites_xml_import_options to change the XML import options.


  • Astra Pro plugin ‘Custom Layouts’ & ‘Page Headers’ not setting right display location due to different page, tax, category ids.
  • WooCommerce shop, checkout cart page ids not setting issue.
  • After site import updated demo url from the nav menus.
Team Starter Templates
January 11, 2018

Version 1.1.5


  • Added SVG file support for importing the SVG images.
Team Starter Templates
December 28, 2017

Version 1.1.4


  • Importing WooCommerce product category images.
  • Retain WooCommerce cart, checkout & my account pages when importing the ready WooCommerce sites.


    Disabled WooCommerce plugin setup wizard after plugin install & activate.